On Thursday, Barrister Gohar (Current Chairman PTI) has informed that Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has decided to pen letter to IMF. In this letter he will tell IMF that in any case you must not give loan to the government of Pakistan.
PDM leaders, on wednesday, has announced that they are going to make government despite losing the elections. Shehbaz Sharif will become PM and Asif Ali Zardari, President.
In a letter to IMF, Imran Khan is going to tell that his party has won 180 seats, it our his government. So, we will not return you, you (IMF) will give loan on your responsibility. The government is ours, we have won the seats, therefore government should be given to us. IMF will be responsible for the deal they sign with the government. We will not be responsible. We will not support IMF in any circumstances. If you will issue loan then you will have no guarantee of return. When ever we comeback to government, we will not return you the loan. It is totally upto IMF.