The situation of education is getting worse day by day as it has become a business.
Education system in Pakistan: Unveiling the poor conditions
Education is the most important tool for a country to prosper. Nations investing more in the education sector in contrast to other sectors, such as defense, are way ahead in becoming developed nations.
The two most important sectors are health and education. If a country or a society ignores these sectors, then it will be difficult or nearly impossible to compete with the world.
Pakistan came into being on the basis of Islam, a religion which declares education obligatory for its followers. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male and female)."
The situation of education is getting worse day by day as it has become a business. The main purpose of education sectors, boards, and institutions (either government or private) is to earn money. Every private school is composing its own books and explanatory notes at a large profit.
In the Pakistani education system, students' intelligence is measured on the basis of grades even at the pre-primary level. Cramming is preferred compared to conceptual learning of the theory. Moreover, practical learning is highly degraded.
Students are facing the worst mental health conditions. This education system promotes students involved in cramming over students doing conceptual learning. There is a competition for getting marks rather than creativity and critical thinking. As a result, many cases of suicide are reported every year in Pakistan due to unsatisfactory grades.
Recently, in a budget for the year 2024, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif allotted Rs. 103,781 million to education and only Rs. 28,171 million to the health sector, but the defense sector was allotted Rs. 2,128,781 million. Education and health should be prioritized.
The population of Pakistan comprises about 64% citizens under 30 and 29% between the ages of 15 and 29. A country having a large youth lacks schools, colleges, and quality universities, which is alarming.
There is a need for an entirely new system for education. Not only should more institutions be created, but education quality should also be increased. Due to the poor and corrupt system, owners are taking education as a business and students as a pressure or formality.