Imran Khan's picture and audio has been leaked from Adiala Jail that has set fire on social media a day before General Election 2024.
Such a powerful picture has encouraged his supporters deeply and swept a new wave of determination.
Imran Khan delivered a message from jail:
"My Pakistanis, I have been sentenced to 24 years imprisonment for fighting for your 'Haqeeqi Azadi' (true freedom). Pakistan and I call for you to dedicate only 24 hours!
Encourage the maximum number of people to vote, wait at the polling station until the polling agent receives the Form 45, and then stay peacefully outside the Returning Officer's office until the final announcement."
Senior Journalist Imran Riaz Khan have said that 6 months of hard work of Khan's enemies is wasted. At the end of the campaign his energetic voice was also heard and his determined photo was also showed.
"A pic of Imran Khan destroyed the multi-billion rupees campaign of his opponents." said Pakistani Journalist, Maleeha Hashmey
Journalist Waqar Malik have said that the leaked photo of Imran Khan has made such an election campaign that even the billions of dollars of the Sharifs (Nawaz Sharif family) and Tareens (Jahangir Taren group) could not do.
Elections 2024 in Pakistan are of different novelty, this is Khan v/s whole corrupt system and other political parties. Pakistanis have been seeing brutal fascism, in 75 years of history of Pakistan, since Imran Khan was outed because of American Regime Change Operation. People are full of anger and want to take revenge by voting.
Imran Khan will easily get 3/4 majority if rigging will not happen. In order to prevent elections from rigging, voters should come out in large numbers. A big turnout is the only way to stop rigging and to get Imran Khan out of Jail.